Terra Group Headquarters

Character Profiles

Terra Group Characters

Those who have sacrificed their marbles to the cause...

Non-TG Characters

People (and animals...) the TG agents have encountered in our adventures...

Project Boussh Characters

Warning: These character profiles do contain spoilers for the Project Boussh story arc. If you don't like spoilers, go read PB first. And if you do like spoilers, read the character profiles, and then go read PB anyway! :-)

Borrowed GFFA Characters

Cameos by Real People

Operation Arrakis Characters

Warning: These character profiles do contain spoilers for the Operation Arrakis story arc, and possibly the Project Boussh story arc too. If you don't like spoilers, go read PB and OA first. And if you do like spoilers, read the character profiles, and then go read the stories anyway! :-)

Borrowed GFFA Characters

Cameos by Real People

Questions and comments may be addressed to terragroup@swfanfic.com

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